In honor of my little brother, who passed away on May 14, 2013. He was
forty-four years old. You are dearly loved and greatly missed, little
He suffered so much in this life. He had a mental illness, which stole so much from him. I choose to remember him before he had all those struggles with that illness. He was carefree and liked to make people laugh. He was always joking around. He loved sports and played many of them when he was a kid. He was a darn good baseball and basketball player, and he could throw a mean bowling ball. I remember when he broke his nose while he was playing basketball when he was younger. I think I cried more than he did because I knew he was in so much pain. He got quite a few injuries from all those adventures.
I have my memories to hold onto, but they can never replace having him here. I still cry almost everyday because I miss him so much. It's been really hard on my mom because she and my brother were together everyday. He lived with her and she took care of him, so this has been a huge change for her. I cannot imagine the pain she is going through with losing a child. No matter how old our children get, they are still our babies and that never changes.
Sometimes I wonder how many times our hearts can be broken. It seems mine has been broken many times over the last few years. Hopefully, God will take all the broken pieces and make something beautiful and valuable from it.

None of us are promised tomorrow, or the next moment for that matter. If you have people in your life that you love and who mean the world to you, please tell them now, while you still have the chance. If there have been harsh words or hurt feelings between you and someone you love, try to make things right and don't focus so much on who's right or wrong. We are only given this very moment we live in and after it's gone, well, there's no getting it back.
I wish a thousand times I had just one more moment with my brother, so I could tell him how much I love him. I tell him every day now, and I hope he can hear me, but it's just not the same thing. I know one day this ache in my heart will lessen and I will finally be able to think about him without crying, but until that time, I will just take one moment at a time. The comfort I try to hold on to is in knowing that he is finally free of that mental illness and he is finally at peace, and I will see him again one day. Rest in peace little brother. Rest in peace.
Until next time my friends, I love you and I appreciate each one of you. Be blessed!
He gives beauty for ashes
Strength for fear
Gladness for mourning
Peace for despair
When sorrow seems to surround you
When suffering hangs heavy oer your head
Know that tomorrow brings
Wholeness and healing
God knows your need
Just believe what He said
He gives beauty for ashes
Strength for fear
Gladness for mourning
Peace for despair
(Lyrics from Beauty for Ashes by Crystal Lewis)
*Pictures taken from:
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