"Often times God demonstrates His faithfulness in adversity by providing
for us what we need to survive. He does not change our painful
circumstances. He sustains us through them." ~Charles Stanley
Good Thursday to you friends! I hope your week has been a good one. Well, it's Day 29 of my 30 Days of Thanks. Today I am thankful that God doesn't give up on me, even when I feel like giving up on Him.
These last three, almost four years, have been filled with some of the most difficult and painful things I have ever walked through. I have felt beat down to the point of wanting to just give up on everyone and everything, including God. I have cried out over and over for God's help, and have heard only silence in reply. There have been times when I have felt like I was going to break into too many pieces to put back together. My heart has felt like it could not take one more crushing blow, and yet more hurt came. My faith felt like it was being ripped apart. There were times where I seriously wondered if I would be able to withstand the trials and come out on the other side with my faith intact.
Thankfully, I'm here to say that I'm still standing. It may not be very tall, or very strong, but I'm still here. I am still taking one step at a time, one day at a time. Some days it feels more like I'm crawling instead of walking, but you know what, that's okay too. God is there cheering me on to continue the race. He is telling me that greater things are up ahead. He is urging me not to give up. He is our biggest cheerleader. He already knows the great things He has planned for us, if we just don't quit.
If you are like me and have been through a season of being pushed beyond what you think you can handle, I want you to know that God is there, even though it may not feel like it. He will see you through. He has not, nor will He ever, give up on you. He has a plan for everything we go through, even when we have no clue what in the world is happening. I still don't know what some of those plans are, but I am trying to trust that He will work them out for my good, somehow, someway.
Until next time my friends, be blessed, and remember, He never gives up on you.
"When circumstances seem impossible, when all signs of grace in you seem at their lowest ebb, when temptation is fiercest, when love and joy and hope seem well-nigh extinguished in your heart, then rest, without feeling and without emotion, in the Father's faithfulness." ~D. Tryon
"From the tiny birds of the air and from the fragile lilies of the field, we learn the same truth...God takes care of His own.... At just the right moment, He steps in and proves Himself as our faithful heavenly Father. " ~Charles (Chuck) Swindoll
"God trains His soldiers, not in tents of ease and luxury, but by turning them out and using them to forced marches and hard service. He makes them ford through streams, and swim through rivers and climb mountains, and walk many a weary mile with heavy knapsacks on their backs. Well, Christian, may not this account for the troubles through which you are passing? Is not this the reason why He is contending with you?" ~Charles Haddon Spurgeon
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